Urban Apartment Tomato Container Gardening Tips

Barbara G.

Staff member
I love trying to grow tomatoes in containers since I cannot have a real garden where I live. It is always interesting to see what others are doing in a similar situation. This gentleman provides some of his tips to growing tomatoes in containers.

Thanks for the video. I just bought a tomato plant. I heard that marigolds help protect tomato plant from insects.
has anyone tried the topsy turvey for growi
I love trying to grow tomatoes in containers since I cannot have a real garden where I live. It is always interesting to see what others are doing in a similar situation. This gentleman provides some of his tips to growing tomatoes in containers.

Has anyone tried the topsy turvey as seen on TV to grow tomatoes upside down? I made my own from plastic buckets but the results were very poor. Although the plants themselves grew ok the fruit was very small. Also tried growing peppers the same way but again the peppers were too small. Did you hear of anyone having better results?
my parents bought one of those upside down tomato plant growers... didn't work for them. They got a few tomatoes, but very small. I thought it looked silly, and overall it ended up being more trouble than it was worth. They went back to regular potted tomato plants the next year.
I tried the topsy turvey thing and first off I had problems putting in the soil, then trying to feed plants through the holes. Second, hanging was a problem - because it was so heavy. After all of that, I got maybe three or four tomatoes. I am doing a plain old regular container this year.
I read somewhere that marigolds are good for tomatoes in that they keep the insects away. I'll have to do more research and report back.