Remember your first time?


New Member
I remember mine like it was yesterday. Last holiday season I was given a crock pot as a present and it changed everything. For a college student who didn't always have to time to prepare meals but wanted to eat better than the average college student the crock pot was perfect. Now that the holidays are rolling around again I'll be looking at picking up a new, fancier crock pot but I'll never forget my first.

Here's the youtube video I used as a guide for my first time. It might seem stupidly plain and simple to the more advanced members but it was mindblowing to me at the time.

So how about everyone else? What was your first recipe?
I remember my first. I also remember messing my recipes up. I was such a rookie. I remember waiting 12 hours once for a recipe. I left for the day, came back and nothing was done. Hmm. I thought. waited a few more hours. I realized I had never plugged it in.
I have owned a crock pot forever. It mostly sat unused. One day last year, I tried something out of the blue. I made my chili in the crock pot. I let it slow cook and it turned out great. For some reason, various random people kept bringing up the topic. I had no idea it was so popular. When people started to explain how easy it was, I got excited. With kids, work and a house to tend to, I need all the time and money savers I can get. I did a whole chicken the first time. I could not believe how the chicken just fell from the bone. I made a chicken casserole with it, and the rest was used for chicken salad.
I remember-- my sister gave me a crock pot for Christmas and she included a ready-made frozen meal to cook in it. It was so easy!