How Did Your Tomatoes Do This Summer?

Geri K

Active Member
It seem this summer, so far, nobody has been able to grow tomatoes very well. They have a funny taste to them and this has come from trying them from several different gardens. Mine were the worst of all with lots of blotches on them and rotten spots. I have never grown tomatoes this bad in my life. I am in southern Illinois and there has been a lot of rain this summer. Is anyone else having the same problem? After waiting all year to eat some good tomatoes its very disappointing to not have any.
I did several varieties in pots. Some of the them did better than others. I have my kitchen window lined with a pretty good number of tomatoes right now. Of course, they are smaller salad tomatoes and small to medium ones. A friend of mine did tomatoes in his garden this year and they did not do as well as last year. We are about 12 inches behind on rain fall so I am sure this plays into it.
I have some tomatoes growing but they are still green. I'm not sure if they will ripen before fall.
I have some tomatoes growing but they are still green. I'm not sure if they will ripen before fall.
Sorry to hear that Christine. I have seen people cover their tomato plants with plastic to help them ripen although I have never tried it myself. Did you have a cool summer where you live? That may be part of the reason they will not ripen.
Yes, it has been a very cool summer. On the one hand it was very nice to have temps in the low to mid eighties but I think my tomatoes would have appreciated slightly warmer temps. I will post a pic. later. Maybe I will try the plastic bags. I just have to find one big enough.
Here is my tomato plant. the tomatoes are just starting to ripen.


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Thanks for posting the picture. It is a very healthy looking plant. I am glad to hear they are finally starting to get ripe and I am sure that it will go fast now that have begun to turn red. The cool nights did not help but other crops such as corn and soybeans are doing fantastic this summer.
I thought it was just me. I did not get as many tomatoes as I had hoped. Still have some plants producing, however.
My crop wasn't like past summers. However, the peppermint is prolific and sage is doing fine.
Guess what! Tomato plants came up in my compost pile as well as cucumbers. Looks like I will have another batch before frost.

Susan Mann Your Tomatoes are nice I see. Ours in Minnesota are OK slow at turning Red, partially we take and put in sunny window. Think the sun Rays are warmer?? Cool out now need a light jacket. Taste Tomatoes. Cherry one are so small & delicious. love throwing in my Crock Pot 2 days ago mmmmm!!
My cherry tomatoes never make it into the house - I eat them in the garden. This ear I grew three varieties - Super Sweet 100s, Tami G, and Sun Gold. I liked the flavor of the Sun Gold the best. The Super Sweet 100s always come up on their own.
My Cherry's were Sweet 100 ans Sun Gold They still are going strong. Tami G size wise how do they compare + sweet / tart ? Like to find seed for them -- next year.
Tami G is a bit larger and not quite as sweet as the other two. I probably will not grow that variety again.

Thank You I will stick to the other 2, appreciate the Note on Tami G. I will do less ---maybe next year Larrys eating less. I could do Freeze meals tho I suppose.