Freezer Meals for the Crock Pot


Does anyone here create freezer meals that go directly to the crockpot? I have seen a few Pins on Pinterest concerning this and I am thinking of trying them. The Pins show several different meals that the person shops for and as soon as she gets home she gets all of the ingredients ready and put into a freezer bag and she writes out the directions on the freezer bag for the meals. It is all so simple. The hardest part is the grocery shopping and then prepping all of the ingredients at one time.

I would really like to get this organized and try this. Has anyone else done this before?
I did this once to save time for myself the next day. I wasn't a huge fan of the results. Other people who ate the soup I made said I was crazy but I could tell there was a difference in the soup than how it normally tastes to me. Could not pin point what it was but since that I have not frozen anything I use in a slow cooker except herbs.
I have tried that with meats but it takes so long it just seems to be not worth the wait and trouble to me! I have never tried a complete meal though that may be different!
You know what my biggest issue is? Most things you make are the best when you eat them freshly made. There ARE some things that get better with time. Although, do they get better with time in a freezer? I'm unsure of how the flavours develop in a freezer.
I love freezer meals and using my crockpot, although I have not put the two concepts together. I am going to look into this and see what I can come up with!