

Hi! Has anyone tried growing eggplant in their garden?

I bought a small plant, thinking it would be fairly simple. My other veggies are all doing great but I'm not sure the eggplant will make it. The leaves are turning yellow and starting to shrivel.

Anyone experienced with growing eggplants or have any suggestions? Thanks!
Eggplant are very sensitive to changes. It sounds like they are heat stressed. They like warmth by placing mulch over the soil with plastic to hold the moisture in from what I understand.

Also, yellow leaves with shriveling may indicate the plant has Verticillium Wilt which causes the plant to not be able to get the water it needs. It is much like a human having arteries close down not allowing the blood to flow.
I have had the same problem in the past. First of all, eggplant likes hot weather. If you put your plants in the ground before the dirt is really warm, they just do not do well. Additionally, there are little black flea beetles that eat the leaves. I know, organic is best. But sometimes we have to get the plant started first. I dust with Sevin dust after it rains until the plants are about four inches high. Also, be patient. It takes awhile for the eggplants to get going, but once they do, you should get plenty of fruit. My favorite is the Ichiban. If you have not grown them before, be prepared. The taste is awesome. You will no longer enjoy store-bought eggplant!
Thanks for the support and advice. I have a wonderful update!!

After watching a video in this post about coffee grounds, I added some to the soil around my eggplant. After just three days, the change is remarkable. The leaves are now fuller and greener. No more shriveled yellow leaves! It looks like there is some hope for the eggplant after all.

And it will be really hot this week, so hopefully the plant will enjoy that and keep growing strong! :)
Amber, I am going to grab those coffee grounds this a.m. when I head outside. I have used Epsom salt on my tomato and pepper plants with awesome results. Maybe with coffee grounds, I can avoid the Sevin dust. Thanks!

I wanted to share an update because I'm so happy about the progress of the eggplant! It outgrew its first container. The new container was called a "plant spa" because the bottom fills with water and keeps the moisture in to keep the roots happy. I've still been adding coffee grounds, once every week or so, if it looks like the leaves are starting to loose some color. I've had three flowers now that grew and fell off, so the eggplants are starting!! Hopefully I'll be eating them soon!

Hope you can see the photo, I wanted to show what the "plant spa" looks like, and how the eggplant's looking so far! :)
My plants are looking much better. One has three blossoms. The others have a way to go before they will bloom. I am picking squash and tomatoes. Fixed fried green tomatoes for Hubby yesterday evening. I grilled squash on skewers with tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms. They were yummy. I am going to pan sauté the same mixture (minus the mushrooms, which I used up) and add artichoke hearts for my dinner tonight. Hubby will not eat squash, so it is all for me!

By the way, he asked for my Ranch chicken yesterday, so will be fixing that later this week.
That's great, Susan! Glad the plants are doing better. This seems to be a good season for tomatoes--mine are coming in really well too, and so are my families' tomatoes.

Funny that your husband won't eat squash--neither will mine! More for us!
I curious as to what state you live in. I have not had many red tomatoes yet - just enough to keep me from needing to purchase them at the store. I grew a green bean called "Pickin' and Grinnin'" that I got from Henry Fields. I have always heard of people picking green beans by the handful, but have never had that experience until now. They make very long, tender beans. I bought a French bean slicer on-line and use it on the larger beans. Hubby does not like snap beans, but loves French cut. I also spoil him occasionally by picking a batch of baby beans - his favorite. Picked the first cucumber from my garden this a.m. Hubby does not eat those either. I promised I would make some pickles for him this year. I like to chop cucumber and mix it with chopped celery and frozen peas tossed with ranch dressing.
Amber, I am going to grab those coffee grounds this a.m. when I head outside. I have used Epsom salt on my tomato and pepper plants with awesome results. Maybe with coffee grounds, I can avoid the Sevin dust. Thanks!
I too have often used Sevin dust but now they are saying its really bad for human and pets. "Sevin's active ingredient, carbaryl, is in fact a potent neurotoxin and suspected carcinogen, and federal regulators are currently considering restricting its use." I would rather not have that stuff on my plants but at the same time we never know whats on the plants of the vegetables and fruits we buy in the store. Organic is the way to go when possible.
I live in North Carolina also! I am out in the middle of nowhere north of Durham, about 20 miles from the Virginia border. We have many trees, so my ground takes awhile to warm in the spring, so many of my veggies are later than others around me. This can be discouraging, but I am happy if I get a good harvest, even if it is late.
I wish I could be totally organic, but I find that impossible. The squash bugs kill all my squash and the beans have holes in them. I am able to avoid using anything on the lettuce and tomatoes. I limit my use as much as possible.
It rained here last night - a welcome rain, but makes it impossible to garden today. Hubby's truck has an engine problem of some sort, so it is off to Roxboro to have it looked at, then lunch and shopping.
Have a great day!
That explains why everyone around you is picking tomatoes already. You are in a warmer area. We are usually eight to ten degrees cooler here than where you are.
you can see the difference from the earlier photo--this plant has grown A LOT. It's gotten really tall (growing above the window!) and there have been plenty of flowers, but so far none have turned into eggplants! Not sure what's going wrong now.


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Frequently, I do not get many eggplants until mid to late August or September. Your plant is healthy looking, so you should get some eventually.
Someone said the problem might be pollination? That I need more than one plant so bees could cross pollinate from the flowers. I'll give it a little longer and see what happens!
finally!! an eggplant!! this little baby just started peaking out over the weekend.


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Congratulations! I had two plants survive and they are growing well now, so hope to have some eggplant before the first frost. It has been good this year as not everything has ripened at once. I am still getting squash and cucumbers. A new cucumber plant came up in my compost pile, so will have even more. The pole beans are just coming in and I planted cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower for my fall garden. Also put in some more lettuce. I need to plant snow peas in the next couple of days. Today is grape day - pick, clean, boil, and make jam. I also have a bunch of tomatoes I need to freeze for sauces this winter. I also have a heirloom garden pea to pick and freeze this week. Three beautiful days, so I will be outside most of the time. Just came in for lunch - cucumber salad with celery, green peas, mandarin oranges and poppy seed dressing. Yummy!
Sounds like a busy but wonderful time, Susan! Congrats on all of the great veggies this season! and good luck on the fall crop!